This blog is kind of my way of keeping in touch with the many things in life I am attracted to. Art, colour, making something, anything…or in a less grand sense, the colour pink. I’ve been obsessed with it for months and couldn’t wait to break out this pleated pink skirt I got from ASOS last summer.
Sweater – H&M
Skirt – ASOS (old)
Boots – thrifted
Purse – Kate Spade
I’ve come to an understanding that a person is not necessarily defined by their job, a single aspect of their life. Some people do find something they love above all else and dedicate their lives to it and that is so admirable. I envy those people. But I don’t think I’ll ever be like them. There are so many things I like doing and not a single one of them, for eight hours every day. I like my job well enough and it funds my other passions in life and more importantly, leaves me ample time to pursue them.
But unfortunately, with all freelance work, it has its highs and lows. I’ve been in a bit of a professional rut lately and it’s kind of stressing me out. Thank God for weekends! Even when you’re not busy at work, it’s like a mental reset. Happy Friday everyone!