With coronavirus cases climbing exponentially in the past few weeks here in Quebec, it looks like we’re going to be staying pretty local for the foreseeable future. Luckily, the apple picking outing I had previously booked before the province went into lockdown lite is actually in the same colour zone designation as Montreal, so we didn’t have to cancel our outing.

We’ve been going apple picking every fall for the past few years and this year, Theo was old enough to kind of get involved in the fun!

He was pulling apples off the trees and everything!

Side note, it’s always weird to me when I post photos of Theo, or anyone besides me, on the blog. On the one hand, it’s about my life, and I obviously do not live or do most things alone. Even though I do take the vast majority of my own photos, sometimes there are one or more people with me. But on the other hand, I would never ordinarily post photos of someone else without their permission, and Theo might have a huge sense of invasion of privacy when he’s older, since he can’t consent to having his face plastered all over the internet. My justification is basically, “BUT JUST LOOK AT HIS CUTIE PIE FACE.”
Theo, if you’re reading this, there were many cutie pie photos I could have posted, and I limited myself to a reasonable two. And in one of them, you can’t even see your cutie pie face! You cutie pie. Please take care of me when I’m old.

Parkhurst beret / H&M sweater (old) / Lindy Bop skirt (old) / Nine West boots (old)
Anyways, this post was going to be all, “ooh, look at my cute vintage-inspired apple-picking outfit.” But it’s almost 11:00 on Sunday, and I’ve been wanting to go to bed since 7:00, but then I was, like, “no, you have to go to bed at a respectable time, like, 9:00,” and then I wanted to do a mask, and Theo kept waking up, and then I was, like, “nah, work on this post first”…
And here we are.
Listen, this is going to be a tough fall and winter for everyone, so we’re trying to squeeze in as much fun and “normalcy” as we can (in fabulous outfits, of course), while still staying safe and respecting the guidelines we’re given. Yeah, it sucks if you can’t see your family for Thanksgiving, or take your kids trick-or-treating, but stay strong! But this won’t last forever, and humans are nothing if not adaptable.
If you’re having a tough time with the isolation and restrictions, try to reach out to someone to talk. It doesn’t have to be someone you know, if you’re not comfortable with that! Though I’m not a therapist or anything, I’m always available by email or DM on Instagram. Hope you all have a wonderful week! Okay, I’m going to bed.